I won’t start any conversation about breast cancer without mentioning the importance of giving yourself at home breast exams. Please, learn what is normal for you and give yourself at home exams once a month. (https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-self-exam/)
There is a lot of awareness for breast cancer, and that is an incredible thing, so let’s work on shifting more toward action. Learn about your family history and other risk factors. Follow through and get your cancer screenings when they are due. Take care of yourself and of your body.
On October 4, 2021, I was diagnosed with stage 2B Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I didn’t even know what those words meant, and I didn’t realize how quickly and how radically my life was going to change. But being able to sit here today, three entire years later, I’m happy to share some of the positive changes to my life, being a cancer survivor:
Time is an absolute gift. We don’t know how much of it we’ll get. We don’t know how much of it we’ll get to spend with the ones we love. Make it a point to cherish your time and spend your time the way you want to.
Learn to be where you are. Work to release the past and try not to allow yourself to live too much in the future. Be where you are. Plant your feet and be there.
Take care of your mind, body, and soul. Try that new hobby, read good books, have good conversations with people you admire, decrease your time on social media, exercise, and fuel your body well. Try to find one thing each day to attend to each of these components of yourself.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month can be heavy for breast cancer survivors. The pink washing, the ribbons everywhere, the myriad of fundraisers. It can be exhausting. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, try donating directly to organizations that you know support local survivors or research. Spend your money where you know it will do good. And above all, again, know your normal and reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your physical or mental health. The world needs you.